

  • Adoro parlare di...

    Music, kpop, k idols, nature and criminal cases 😁

  • Una sfida personale

    Stop biting your nails and learn to be alone🥲

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    I LOVE the musical series Daisy Jones&The Six and the Jefrey Dahmer series on NETFLIX, and I also love Supernatural, the series by the Winchester brothers, and i also love horror movies sequels😍📽

  • Piaceri dell'infanzia

    Going out with my parents and being able to play all afternoon without worrying about anything, I miss it🥹

  • A 10 anni da adesso

    I want to be able to travel all over the world, meet my favorite idols and live a peaceful and happy life with the people I love by my side💖

  • Sono entusiasta di...

    The arrival of some celebratory events in my small town🙂

  • Qualcosa di particolare su di me

    I never fainted and I never broke a leg or an arm or anything like that😐

  • Era meglio prima

    When my parents were together, I was very happy and grateful😪

  • Vorrei che le persone sapessero di più riguardo...

    About how good kpop is! And how amazing and hardworking idols are <3

  • Ciò che mi preoccupa...

    The future of humanity, human cruelty has surpassed the limits🫥

  • Un piccolo trucco o consiglio

    We must learn to be alone, so that when we have to be alone, we know how to deal with it. And we must start to observe more, even the smallest details, because everything is so incredible, and we don't realize it.🍀

  • Migliorare il sistema scolastico

    Sometimes I'm very rebellious, I question why some activities are so simple, and I don't like group work..., which is sometimes bad, I need to stop that, don't I?🫠

  • Qualcosa da dire al mondo!

    There are still good-hearted people, unfortunately there are not many, but there are!🤗❤💚🤍

