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  • Rendere il mondo un posto migliore

    More tolerance for more understanding

    Apparently, some people have learned nothing from the mistakes of the past. Conflicts in the world are on the rise and many countries are arming themselves like never before. There is widespread outrage about the "violation of international law and democratic values". As a rule, some are the good guys and others the bad guys.

    I therefore think it's time to reassess things and correct them, because all the measures and assessments of specific situations to date have not helped us move forward, but on the contrary have led us even deeper into the quagmire of the decline of human culture.

    So here's a suggestion: let's start to move beyond the confines of our own thinking and think about why others don't do certain things the way we think is right, but the way they think is right. Perhaps this will help us develop a new perspective. Please do not misunderstand: This is by no means about developing understanding for others, especially not when they have demonstrably done bad things. Nor is it about sharing opinions. It's about, understanding why others do things this way and not that way. In this way, we may find a way to the others so that the others are no longer others in the end. Perhaps we can find a solution together to end conflicts and disputes.

    I think that every country has its own special culture. I would never presume to claim that my country's culture is the most sensible and desirable. It is important to respect certain views and customs that may be diametrically opposed to our values, but which seem intrinsic and indispensable to other cultures (excluding actions that violate international law, of course).

  • I risultati di cui vado più fiero

    Meine größte Errungenschaft ist es, dass ich im Laufe des Lebens zu mir selbst gefunden habe, ohne meine Empathie zu verlieren, sondern diese im Gegenteil noch zu intensivieren.

    My greatest achievement is that in the course of my life I have found myself without losing my empathy, but rather intensifying it.

  • I miei interessi nelle altre culture

    Mich interessieren die Lebensgewohnheiten der Menschen anderer Länder, ihre Gedanken und Gefühle, aber auch ihre Sitten und Bräuche. Ich glaube, dass ein reger Gedankenaustausch zum gegenseitigen Verstehen sehr vorteilhaft beitragen kann und dadurch Freundschaften entstehen.

    I think that every country has its own special culture. I would never presume to claim that my country's culture is the most sensible and desirable. It is important to respect certain views and customs that may be diametrically opposed to our values, but which seem intrinsic and indispensable to other cultures (excluding actions that violate international law, of course).

  • Sono un esperto di...

    Als Experte würde ich mich weniger bezeichnen. Ich mag es, zu philosophieren und beschäftige mich hobbymäßig mit Psychologie, treibe gern und oft Sport, kann relativ gut Texte verfassen und gestalten und habe Kenntnisse in der Kräuter- und Pilzkunde. Ausserdem bin ich sehr bewandert im Modellbahnbau und tanze gern (Standard und Latein).

    Sport (tennis), writing, botanical studies, model railways, dance (standard and Latin) and the live. Dialogues about culture and psychology.

  • Una sfida personale

    1) I speak little English and use google translater. I hope, you understand me!

    2) Mich selbst zu entdecken. Dabei hat auch eine Alpintour auf einen 3.400 Meter hohen Berg geholfen, bei der ich in tiefem Schnee und an einer abgrundtiefen Felswand die Grenzen meiner Möglichkeiten ergründen konnte.

    Self-discovery. An alpine tour up a 3,400 meter high mountain also helped, during which I was able to explore the limits of my possibilities in deep snow and on an abyssal rock face.

  • Adoro parlare di...

    Ich rede gern über die Dinge, die Menschen tief in ihrem Innern beschäftigen und kann mich da selbst weit öffnen. Besonders gern über Gefühle und Gedanken, und wie weit sich Menschen öffnen können, um Vertrauen zu gewinnen, aber selbst auch neue Möglichkeiten - ihre eigene Persönlichkeit betreffend - für sich erschließen können.

    I like to talk about the things that occupy people and move. Especially like about feelings and thoughts, and how far people can open up in order to gain trust, but also be able to open up new possibilities - regarding their own personality - for themselves. I am open to the world.

