

  • 8m
  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    Berlin, Nürnberg, Paris, Hannover, Braunschweig, Köln, Offenburg, Würzburg, München, Burghausen, Aachen, Trier ,Hamburg,Bremen,Osnabrück,Amsterdam,
    Mannheim etc

  • I risultati di cui vado più fiero

    The path to minimalism.
    To go new ways

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    love Laura Kneidl's books.
    When it comes to films, I like to watch the classics with Robin Williams and Johnny Depp

  • Ciò che mi preoccupa...

    Krieg und der Egoismus der Menschen

  • Vivere all'estero per un anno

    Austria is a beautiful country

    Friendly people and great excursion options.

  • Adoro parlare di...

    everything that has to do with letters
    My wedding
    I also like to talk about historical topics

  • Vorrei che le persone sapessero di più riguardo...

    To appreciate nature.
    Proper treatment of animals and other people

  • Abilità personali

    zu hören
    Freundlich sein

  • Piaceri dell'infanzia

    Der leckere Schokoladenpudding von meiner Omi

  • Da bambino, sognavo...

    Nothing, I had a nice childhood...
    Unfortunately, I also had to struggle with fears that prevented me from doing a lot of things. I would have liked someone to be empowered and have more friends

  • Rimpianti

    .having listened too much to others in the past

  • Il mio pensiero sul futuro

    Ich freue mich auf die zukunft und bin gespannt was mich alles noch erwartet was ich lernen kann was ich kennenlernen darf und wie sich einige dinge entwickeln.
    Mein größter wunsch für die zukunft ist gesund zu bleiben und weiterhin glücklich mit meiner Familie zu sein

  • Una carriera senza ostacoli

    good pediatrician who puts a smile on the children's faces

