

  • 4
  • Qualcosa da dire al mondo!

    Hey everyone!
    My name is Elpida and I from Greece but I live in Germany. I speak German, Greek, a little bit English and Spanish. 😉

  • Qualcosa di particolare su di me

    - I am Greek
    - My father and mother are both from Greece
    - I have 2 younger siblings

  • Abilità personali

    I love karate!
    I have been practicing karate for almost 6 years now and proudly own the brown belt!

  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    I travel to my native Greece every year during the summer holidays because some relatives of mine live there.

  • Rendere il mondo un posto migliore

    The plastic consumption should be stopped as quickly as the seas are already dirty enough!

  • Vivere all'estero per un anno

    It's hard to decide ... but if I had to settle, I would go to the USA for 1 year! I love the language. I would love to live there for 1 year because the culture inspires me. I would also like to go to England or to Spain because I would like to practice my English and Spanish!

