

  • 4m
  • Qualcosa da dire al mondo!

    hi my name is Manon, I am 1⃣3⃣years old and I come from France💙🤍❤️ and more precisely from aix en provence. My favorite activities are above all everything that goes with the word "art", I love to 🖼️, 🖌️🎨 the things I love or I love to read or write stories 📖. My favourite subject is therefore logically literature 📚
    sinon pour ceux qui seront assez courageux pour traduire ce paragraphe je vais vous dire quelque truc dans ma langue maternelle 😊. Tout d'abord j'adore la lecture et l'écriture en ce moment je travaille sur un projet de 📖 c'est mon objectif ! Et puis j'adore aussi l'escalade c'est juste incroyable༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ!!

  • Qualcosa di particolare su di me

    I've been harassed 😡💢 before and by my own friends. All this just because I was hypersensitive 🥹 and therefore I cried quite often. It's sad but that's life, there will always be people to put you down every day. It's been a long time since this story is in the past but I still have sad memories of that past.😅

  • Abilità personali

    I can cry on command, it's cool when you want to make it look like you have a stomach 😂 ache. But no, I'm kidding, I don't use this peculiarity for this kind of thing, no of course not... 😏

  • Una sfida personale

    I'd love to write a story 📖 and I think I have an idea for my book but it's really very long 😊

  • Adoro parlare di...

    j'adore parler des chose psychologique du monde et avoir des discussion profonde sur tout et n'importe quoi mais plutot compliqué d'avoir des conversation comme ça en Anglais 😅

  • Rendere il mondo un posto migliore

    For a better world I think we could make ecological efforts for a healthy 👌 planet 🍄☘️🌿🌱

  • Da bambino, sognavo...

    When I was a kid I would have loved to build a tree house and then sleep in it, unfortunately we didn't have a tree small enough to build one. It's sad 😢💔

  • Recentemente ho imparato...

    1 strange fact

    ça veut dire q'en faite la moitié de notre corps aurait pu étre une banane je le prends un peu mal 😑😶

  • Piaceri dell'infanzia

    jouer avec mon imaginaire 'imaginer que j'étais une duper-héros ou un sorcier comme dans Harry Potter 🤣🦸🧙‍♂️

    c'était le bon vieux temps ! 😅

  • A 10 anni da adesso

    Maybe the world will be ruled by robots🤖 and artificial intelligence and then we will all die in excruciating pain🤣; Or maybe I'd live my life quietly, it depends 🤔

  • Sono un esperto di...

    I loves art It's my favourite activitie or I love music too but I can't speak about my level of climbing 🤔

  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    I haven't visited many countries but I've been to Mauritius, Spain (many times) or England

  • Vivere all'estero per un anno

    I would like to living for one years in Australia or USA to improve my english .

