

  • 5
  • Qualcosa da dire al mondo!

    Hi, I’m Nad from Germany an I really like to make new friends. If you want to I can help you learn German or improve you English until a certain grade.

  • I miei interessi nelle altre culture

    I am open to everything, even if a little bit shy, and love to try new things.

  • I risultati di cui vado più fiero

    I am very stubborn about new people. Maybe I'm just introverted or very antisocial, at least I've overcome myself to sign up here. And that’s my greatest acquisition.

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    I love the Harry Potter series and all books by Rainbow Rowell. My favorite shows right now are Supernatural, Sherlock and Riverdale. I like the Avengers movies and The Great Gatsby.

  • Vivere all'estero per un anno

    My brother lived for one year in England and I want to do the same. Maybe even with the same family.

  • Adoro parlare di...

    I talk a lot about school, my favorite music group (BTS) and daily life.

  • Qualcosa di particolare su di me

    I talk and write a lot but not around new people. I need some time to get to know them and then tell them everything about me. Literally everything. I don’t have a filter.

  • Io ed i miei genitori

    I love my parents. Okay, who doesn’t do that? But sometimes I hate my parents because they are divorced and that makes things a little harder in my everyday life. For example, I go to my dad every two or three weekends and of course I have to do my homework. That's why I sometimes forget my stuff there and then have to invent excuses at school because the teachers do not see "I forgot it at my fathers" as a reason.

  • Abilità personali

    I can play flute and recorder (learned in school). Besides, my teachers think that I have a talent for writing.
    I'm usually punctual, patient and very neat. Maybe even a bit perfectionist.

  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    I mostly travel in the holidays and with my family. I’ve been to Russia, because my fathers family lives there, and Germany, because my uncle lives in Berlin. Also I visited Santa Maria de Castellabarte, a little town in Italy, Insbruck in Austria, Harboøer in Denmark, Nijmegen in the Netherlands, Pzecz in Poland, Torquay in the UK and Tunesia.

  • Piaceri dell'infanzia

    When I was a child I often played with my neighbour in our garden. As we grew up we had a big fight over something and never talked again. Even today we look at each other with hateful looks.

  • A 10 anni da adesso

    I really don’t know what I want to do with my life. Because I’m interested in everything. I love sports, I love to write, hell, I even like Math.
    I guess, I’ll just do what life wants me to.

  • Era meglio prima

    When I was young I loved my teacher but as I grew up I just couldn’t stand her anymore. I’m glad I have a new teacher now.

  • È meglio adesso

    My parents now get better along. They divorced when I was already born and I always heard them screaming at each other. Now they both really calm when they meet. (But I know that they still hate euch other because of their looks)

  • Vorrei che le persone sapessero di più riguardo...

    I wish people would know more about LGBT+. If I tell my father that I’m bi or a lesbian or something like that, he wouldn’t even know what that means. And I think that sad.

  • Un piccolo trucco o consiglio

    Don’t judge people by their appearance. Even if you want to, even if your brain says you to, even if you just can’t do something else and even if they look strange or something.
    People don’t like to be judged and you don’t either. Talk to them, maybe even about what makes them special.

  • Migliorare il sistema scolastico

    I don’t know how it is somewhere else but in my school the teachers are very old. Like You-have-just-the-age-of-the-children-of-my-nephews-old. And that means they can’t talk to us on our level. And THAT means that we often have misunderstandings.

