Tutto e niente

What's your favorite song and why ?
Would you fight for the person you love?
What is your birthmonth, starsign
What is your Favorite vehicle?
dream car
Is it a turn off when a woman cut her hair short?
What men think women with six pack or nice defined abs?
Who owns a rare/special object?
active members?
Someone wanna write some fanfictions and stories with me?
How many people are closet exhibitionist Carol asking
What's your favorite poem in your mother tongue?
anyone Asian wanna be friends?
What is your favourite element in Avatar🤔
only i think Penpal-gate made a crazy flop?
meet new friend
Anyone know about 'blogging' and such?
who can be my friend!
Introduce Us To Good new Or Old Members!
Career|Is it late to switch to other career path at 30 or so?
How would you define a bilingual ?
Do you discriminate against Gay?
If you would have one hour left to live, wwyd?
Postcards/letters exchange 🇺🇦 ✉ (snail mail)
humorpizza's nook
Opinions about ourselves
Iphone the best choice or Android has its speciality?