Vita quotidiana e usanze

Your country's traditional food.
What does your surname mean? Does it have any particular significance?
What is/was your favorite subject at school?
African culture
Would you trust an AI (artificial intelligence) doctor ?
What are the Brand Names people use as Generic Terms in your country
What's your favourite word? :)
Spare time ideas
What font do you have for your text?
What does life mean to you?
Something you do to calm down
🔮 ... What would you do ...
What`s your favorite thing too drink?
Interesting fact about the city you live
Will we ever get what we dream off?
Where do you dreamed to visit in your dream?
I wonder how the education in foreign country is.
Permanent Lovers
Рецепт вашего любимого блюда
Happy Ash Wednesday/Valentines Day
Carnival Greetings to the world from Cologne/Germany
Happy Chinese New Year!
What‘s the meaning of this sentence?
Food in England
Merry Christmas to everyone in the world🎄😊
Book journal