Coffee or tea? Vita quotidiana e usanze

Herbal tea based on chamomile or based on red fruits.
Hot decaffeinated macchiato coffee with cocoa powder.

I don't care whether it is tea or coffee, because they are bitter, and I will drink them at one draught

Unless the temperature is too high,Just like the cup of tea I have now(

I don't care whether it is tea or coffee, because they are bitter, and I will drink them at one draught


Tea! When it's very bitter it tastes the best.


Green tea, always!

both. it depends on my mood. =)

Tea I’d say, but the line is blurred when I order a matcha Frappuccino from Starbucks

Really hard question !!!!

Coffee is for situations you want energy
And tea is for situations that you want to calm down.
We have many kind of tea .

TEA ❤️❤️

But i agree 10000000% with Kale, when there's Frappuccinos or Iced Coffee drinks then imma go for that...

Like, sure, I can get tea anytime, but a Frappuccino? It's like a little treat.😂


Definitely tea since I don't like coffee

The Tea Pot i am.....😜

Coffee - flat white but i like also new taste🙂 i Like too Tea - green, praach and Black without sugar

Tea, but above all Yerba Mate!

Coffee or tea?
wrong, it’s coffee

I prefer tea since there are around 3,000 different types of tea to taste. It gives me a perfect variety in mood and taste.
How many types of tea do you have at home?

I only once drank coffee in my life, at the age of 50. The taste was okay but it`s not mine.
I have a lot of different types of tea at home. Some mint plants and other herbs grow in our garden.
But most of the time I drink water, hot and cold.