Do you think India's just about the "Bollywood"? Vita quotidiana e usanze

I have not seen any Bollywood films, but I always dreamed of going to India! I don'tt really know why but this country attracts me. I'm not necessarily attracted by the rich side, the big cities. I would like to see the whole of India, meet people, visit places, ...

India isn't Bollywood. India is country where culture everything. India is culture. In India everyone has a smile to donate =)

I've seen some Bollywood films or in Bollywood style, I think that they are an expression of the indian culture too, but of course not at all, because as any fiction product they have folkloristic aspects that can't express the real life and culture in India today. I think, that many Bollywood products are like our "soap operas" in west countries.....surely , they don't represent our culture too and they are often just a way to entertain the public. if you see them, certainly you will not find the glorious history and culture of's my opinion....

I loved Bollywood- me and my friend. We were fascinated in their colours, sounds and energy.
Now, we probably know the truth. in this summer i will go to the Bangalore for my cousin's wedding and i am nervous about it...

Wow! Reading everybody's views on bollywood vs. 'the real india' is really great. I'm sure a lot of people would have a lot to say about India, but from my perspective (and I've not always lived in India) it's a totally different world. Its a great place to visit and those who haven't must visit it some time! 🙂

I actually thought India is a spiriutal country. 🙂