What's your favourite language? Tutto e niente

my fav is spanish, i adore this language: )

i love english , french is a beautifull languauge too ,
i really hate dutch , its my languauge , but its so rude x'D

I like japanese languge
i speak it frently and it's so cool :yes 001_tt1

A little offtopic question 😛 Could anybody tell me how you say "good job" "way to go" "well done" or something like that in Finnish?
Good job = Hyvää työtä
Way to go = Oikein/ Sillä lailla (maybe)
Well done = Hyvin tehty

And my favorite language is Chinese 🙂

Kiitos 🙂

i just love Spanish, mostly because i am learning it. i speak Afrikaans, English and Khoekhoegowab

I like soooo much german and swedish! I don't know why but i just like xD

Japanese is for me...

japanese and russian 😁

hmm i love all languages but i have a preferences for : korean,japan,chinese,russian,spanish french(of course !!😁) and portugese !! =D
these languages are so beautiful !! =D


I can speak English, and very little Spanish, and I plan on learning Mandarin Chinese.

pay pay

every languages are beautiful,i wanna learn all ,but i can't. just english and Thai it's so difficult for me.i'm trying to hard study .i must be better in someday!!

I don't know a lot of language but I think that English is easy to learn and sounds great.
I prefer English than French even if it is my nationality !


chinese of course lol

I like My original language "berbere chawi" From North africa

Korean. Because it's easy to use for me...

Only one favorite language? Huuh >< Hard to choose!
I love so many 🙂 But the ones i'm learning are really beautiful !
English is just perfect for the music <3 001_wub but then.. I really love Italian 001_tt1 It's really a beautiful language, so romantic ;D
Spanish is really beautiful also!! 🙂
Then i would really learn some German, Russian, Greek, etc because i find those languages really interesting and cool !! Especially Russian don't ask me why ;D
But of course my favorite still my mother tongue, French 😁 🙂

I think Portuguese is beautiful, when spoken normally, not eating half of the words or letters and saying ten swears in a five word sentence. I love our sounds and tunes! And I like how we have the word «saudade», which means generically to miss someone, but it has this...greater emotional «atmosphere» to it. And I've been told there is not one equivalent in any other language - we say «ter saudades» which literally means «to miss something/someone» but we also just say «saudade» as a noun, and I don't know if the noun exists in any other language.

I also like French (hearing it, I deeply hated learning it!) and German (far from being beautiful, I think it's the roughness that captivates me. It's like their always mad at you! They can be reciting Shakespeare, it still sounds like their going to jump over you and stab you in the chest!)