What's your favorite country?Or talk about your experience of travel English

Of course I love my country.. it's where I was born and raised. But apart from my country, I like to travel first to Korea and then maybe France or Austria. 😃

I love my country !!! I'm proud to be French.

But I like Japan, USA, Philippines, Singapore, Finland. I'm mostly interested in Asian countries !

Modificato da Shimuken .

Of course —china then, I like anywhere is peaceful ,clean. for example France,Australia,Canda

Hi everybody, I was born to Belgium (Beautiful country but not my favorite) I went to Pompeï, Italia, to Chamonix an Marcinelles-en-Montagne, France, to Kinshasa, Congo, to Los-Angeles and New-York, U.S.A and to Québec City and Montreal, Canada ...
I Liked all of my travels but my favorite was Montreal ! 😃 I was really surprised by the sweetness of the people ! 001_tt1
I think that my favorite country is Japan, I never went there but I'm convinced that it would be amazing !
I want to go to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, ...
I want to go to China, Australia, New-Zeland, Peru, Kenya, Laos and Thaïland !
But unfortunately I don't have enough money ! 😛
So I have to keep it !

Taiwan is good. Formosa.

I like New Zealand!
And i know someday i will visit Europe countries such as France, German and England~ 😉
perhaps i will go to south pole !!! haha 😃

I really liked to visit Toronto in Canada, Boston in Massachussets, and New York (2 times) !
The people who live in Boston are so friendly with tourists! The staff of the shops were so nice!

For me , it would be... Finland !
But I love Scandinavian countries and culture ! Beautiful Landsclapes, great music bands and Folklore! And for having some friends coming from Finland/Sweden, i can tell they are open minded 😛
I wish to live there one day 😃